Aml solution, managed your alerts at 360°

Aml solution, managed your

alerts at 360°

Our aml solution and portal for managing and tracking alerts allows you to centralise your compliance on Aml and Kyc regulatory audits.

You can use our portal or integrate all of its functionalities directly into your management tools using the API.

Your alerts 🚨 are qualitative, you have better control over your resources and your processes for placing additional or reinforced vigilance.

Aml solution
Solution Lcb-ft

Follow up the audit trails

Comment 🖊️, confirm 🚩 or lift ✅ your alerts very easily.
All your actions are recorded in an audit trail. You justify everything!

In terms of aml compliance, if you need to justify an activity or a decision on one or more alerts, the audit trail will give you all the necessary elements

Who generated the action
When was it done
What action was taken

Aml solution activate the monitoring option

You don’t need to go through your entire database every day, does that not make sense to you?

You can activate the monitoring option of our Aml solution. 👉 We keep your last filed stock file, and we run it again every day until it is replaced by a new one.

Practical, isn’t it?

Justify everything with the proof of control

If you wish (RGDP obliges) we keep all your searches, whether they are carried out in our Aml solution via our portal, our Api or through stock filtering.

It is then very quick to extract the file of your searches on the date range you wish to select. You can therefore justify all the searches carried out by filtering politically exposed persons or freezing assets, and provide proof of your controls, internally or for any request from your auditor or your supervisory authority.

Have continuous reporting

Aml compliance

Use the filters (period, lists, score, etc.) and display your activity monitoring directly.

Easy to integrate into slides for your internal control and compliance committee, board of directors, or for any type of reporting you may need.

We focus on the main indicators of ppe filtering or asset freezing, alerts, percentage breakdown, list types, processing times, …

You can then easily illustrate this data with alerts, which makes your reporting very concrete and feeds into committee discussions.

You have a permanent control